Monday, December 26, 2022

#88~ New Year Resolutions~ Featuring The Popcorn Tree


The new year is going to be starting shortly. Will it be a better year than this one? It very well could be. But the one thing that 2022 gave me that will only increase in 2023 is myself confidence as a person. 2022 gave me a lot of hardships as I struggled in SL to find a family and find my place. It took me gaining my family that it started to come around. But it really took hold when I started a little school called The Crayon Box. The friends that I made there have not only boosted my confidence in myself as a person but also I cherish those friends as family. We are The Crayon Box Kids! We are all the brightest colors of the rainbow. 

*Featuring Item*

The Popcorn Tree ~ Winter Solstice ~ Comes in 3 different designs: Angelic Snowflakes, Poinsettia and New Years Resolutions. Each Dress comes with a bow headband. Available in the sizes of Bebe, Toddleedoo, Tweeneedoo, and Youth. Available at Thimble from Dec. 20th till Jan 5th.


Truth ~ Blush~ Brunette


Little Ones ~ Cute Leggings ~ comes with Applier for Toddleedoo and BOM 


TippyTap~ Irina ~ Coal

Body Information 

Click HERE for more information

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